352 301-6325

Are U Struggling with Acceptance?
I can help you get unstuck​
Help you feel better
Help you do better
Are U struggling with....
Other people's decisions that affect you?
Someones else's drinking?
Dysfunctional families?
Dishonest people?
Difficult workplaces?
Aging parents?
The thought of retiring?
Through weekly sessions we can help you sort through the things that matter, that make your life fuller, more joyful ,more pleasant.
Through weekly sessions with me you will get to a place of awareness, acceptance and finally action!
We'll uncover your obstacles, set goals and create lasting change, I promise.
You will feel good about yourself, make differant choices and live a better life,I promise.
The Unexamined Life is not Worth Living

Navigate Your Changes
Supporting Your Success
Through Weekly Sessions

Get the Most out of Life!
Learn to enjoy your ride!
I'll guide you to look inside and make better choices, you'll take that trip, ask for that raise, read that book, take that bike ride, whatever it is that brings you joy!
We'll inventory your desires navigate the map, create small goals that gain momentum towards those big goals.
You deserve to live a wonderful life!
Decide to start to navigate your change today.

Say no and mean it
Are people always asking more of you?
Do you have difficulty declining invitations to do more? Get more? Be more for others?
Do you accept invitations to do more for yourself?
My coaching sessions will help guide and inspire you to say yes when you need to say yes (to you!) and no when you need to say no (to others!)

Start to improve all your relationships
When do you want to start expressing your needs and wants better in your personal and business relationships.?
Do your loved ones understand your desires and expectations?
Does your employer or partners know what you expect of them?
Are you clear, confident and concise?
We will work on these areas, so others won't have to read your mind or they yours.
It's a skill you can cultivate by getting help today.
I’m sure you’ll find my services helpful and inspiring.
You get 1 hour of uninterrupted time to speak your truth, discuss and reflect .
Get in touch to learn more.
My Own Business
The journey of a thousand miles....
Will you take the first step?
Are you lloking for someone you can be yourself with? Warts and all?
I am that person!
I've been told I am very real.
That's a compliment.
You will find my services personal, professional, fun and REAL!!!
Reach out for a "get to know me" call and you will see!
As a seasoned adult restarting my existence with a Life Coaching career, new schedule, online classes, new technology and starting a business (Phew) has been challenging, so I know what challenges are.
I have been working a 12 Step recovery program-Al Anon-as a member and sponsor for many years, which has allowed me to spend time with people as they are making hard new decisions and seeing that there are better ways to do their life.
I am perfectly suited for this new role and it is my mission to help generations of women make different choices that will affect continual change throughout history.
Sounds like a tall order right?
Well....with small habit/ mind set changes, large changes can happen.
As long as we continue to take small steps the journey seems less arduous.
Let's take that journey together towards your new future.

Client Testimonials
Here's what they have to say